Why should you have a Skincare Consultation?

Why should you have a Skincare Consultation?

You’ve decided you want to have a skin treatment or maybe you have a skin problem and you want to get some help with that so you book in for a treatment but you don’t really know if its the right thing for you and you don’t know where to start….

We want to take the guesswork out of skincare and that’s why our Advanced Skin Consultation is recommended for all clients starting a skincare journey. A 360 approach to your skin is the best way to save money, get the right treatments and use the correct skincare for you.

Did you know that what you do at home is 80% of the skincare pie and treatments in the salon will account for about 20%? What you do day in day out at home is so important to achieve results, get your skin ready for treatments and maintain consistant results. One skin treatment is not going to solve your problems or give you great results. But by letting us plan your skincare treatments and products and provide you with a plan of action that’s when your going to see dramatic changes.

In our Advanced Skin Analysis we will take a 360 approach and look at your skin, homecare routine, your lifestyle and other factors such as diet, stress levels, and sleep patterns that are having an effect on your skin. We will provide you with a plan be it just homecare products, treatments or both and then we review and chart progress as we go along.

If your on a skin journey and you need some help get in touch and see how we can help.

Book your treatment at The Beauty Room Eastwood Nottingham

(http://phore.st/i0fuVD “BOOK ONLINE “)